River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Monday, May 03, 2004

What a fun weekend! Friday eve at work I got to be "gopher" which is an opportunity that doesn't happen often (it was a wierd night for staffing), but that I thoroughly enjoyed! I did about 5 sets of discharge teaching (my favorite thing to do), settled a new mom (actually it was her fourth baby) and baby in their room checked 'em over, helped them get going with breastfeeding and later got to bathe the baby. Also helped a couple other moms with the BF'ing, including one who totally got it once I explained to her how to latch the baby on and said "Thank you so much, this doesn't hurt! I didn't know it didn't have to hurt!" FUN!
Saturday AM, we made Maybaskets and delivered them to neighbors. At work that evening I actually got to care for one of my friends who had her third baby! It was suck a coincidence too, that of all the days she could have her baby she did it on a day I was working, on the shift I was working and was assigned to me instead of the 7 or 8 other postpartum RNs working that day.
Sunday was a very big day! We had our final goodbye brunch with my little brother. He flies to Afghanistan on May 9th so this is probably it. It was very nice seeing him and we had a great meal.
The afternoon was the highlight of our whole spring though: The Mayday Parade! ( Joss and I have spent the last month working 2-3 days a week on our costumes and the pinata we made. It was in the shape of an anatomical heart, painted a few different shades of dark red and had painted on it the red cross symbol with a green $ overlaying in and an inequals sign on top of that. In case the symbolism wasn't immediately obvious we also painted Healthcare Inequality on it as something we wanted to bash. Joss and I wore pinata hats and she wore a shiny blue dress cut "fairystyle" (zigzag) on the botttom. I wore an orange, green, purple, brown, yellow and red shiny 70's style gown slit up the sides. We also wore clothes underneath cuz it was cold. We had a blast dancing the 12 blocks or so.. I had to push a grocery cart full of pinatas to break although they never broke mine. Joss was such a hambone!! She twirled and tipped her hat and danced non stop, bowing whenever people cheered for her and yelling Happy Mayday. She would also chase, be chased and play hide and seek with the three adults dressed like Fools. We also danced and sang "Dale, dale, dale" (a spanish pinata song) with our leader, a mexican artist from Oaxaca. We will also be going to see her art show next month.
We also had a great day today. Tons of learning. We discussed symmetry in math and Joss just went off on it. She made symmetrical castles with her magnet board and is working on coloring in a very detailed butterfly symmetrically. She also learned the life cycle of the butterfly as that was what was on the first butterfly printout I could find for her at enchanted learning. We wrote in our pea journal and watered them. Tons of other fun, learning activities have taken place here this AM. This is one of those days that could make me believe in unschooling. Awesome. Well, gotta get ready for work. Hope everyone out there is well and enjoying their kids as much as I am TODAY.


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