River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Monday, April 26, 2004

well, I'm a bad blogger! I just got home from a BRUTAL shift and just had a couple quick things to say for the record. Today Joss FLEW through two whole Calvert lessons! She is really taking off with her reading! After school went outside to work on her garden. Well, we started preparing the soil and I thought the next step would be to plant our seeds but NO! Apparently there is another step to gardening that grownups don't know: it is necessary to find and name all the worms in your garden! So... maybe we plant the peas tomorrow! We also got our cuisenaire rods and miquon math book in the mail that I ordered. I wil start Joss on Miquon whenever the lab annotations come and have her do it in addition to her Calvert Math. I will see from there, we may keep using both or I may not order Calvert Math for next year.
Well, I gotta try to get to bed. !


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