River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Days Go By
We are settling into a nice school year routine. We did blow it off today to hit the zoo this morning before the weather turned cold. Joss read many of the signs and I read others to her. Zeff got to take his Wolfie to see his "family," (the Mexican Wolves.)
We raced home from the Zoo to start "Thanksgiving" dinner complete with turkey, cranberries and roasted baby potatoes.
Joss and Malcolm (our cousin) had art class this afternoon. Joss wove me a yarn strip of cloth, glued it to a card and decorated it as a surprise for me.
Then my cousin came to pick up Malcolm and we had our big Thanksgiving dinner together. We are so lucky to have them.
School is going better in general. The last few days have been wonderful. Our attitude problems seem to have resolved. J and Z are getting better at getting along. Something that works well with Zeff is to act things out. Today he hit his older cousin after M took something from him. After he apologized and sat out for doing it, I had Malcolm come back and we practiced better ways of dealing with having your toy taken. The big kids really got into helping Zeff deal, a good lesson for all concerned. They also taught him about being thankful and were teaching him some Math as well.
J&M:What's 4+4?
Z: 7.
J&M: No, but close, add one more.
Z: (blank look)
J&M: C'mon Zeff what's 7+1?
Z: 4.
Oh well.
It is such a neat dynamic when my cousin is here. He is a really nice kid and his behavior with me has been great. He really thrives in his role as my chief helper (and I thank him for it often). He buckles Zeff when we go places (they sit next to each other) and helps keep the little kids happy in the minivan. He is kind and gentle to Zeff and Keian, letting me know if either is in trouble. Him and Joss get along very well about 95% of the time and have great imaginative games that go on for hours and incorporate the little boys (mostly as props and pawns). The TV is almost never on when he is over because the kids amuse themselves so well.
I guess this is a little rambly, but I am feeling very happy about many things and am so grateful to have my cousin and her son in my life.


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