River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

And now for something totally different...
There are all kinds of posts in our workplace newsletter. The kind that invite you to be a part of this "fun" committee or head up this "important" initiative, but are really just more work and more time spent around the people I spend my time trying to avoid (managers,higherups,etc). But then I saw the one about "Anyone interested in becoming a lactation consultant, please contact..." and first I thought, "yeah right, like I have time for that!"
But it stuck with me. And bugged me. And I thought about how much I like helping with breastfeeding and how some days I wish I could just do that and not be pulled in so many directions. I thought about how much the LCs I work with had helped me with my first, and then with many questions about the other 2. I thought about how I do lots of things for other people, but spend almost no time on my own interests. I am embarassed to tell people my hobbies, cuz I hardly have any. Maybe pursuing my IBCLC would be fun and a good project for me.
I started thinking I might want to work for this. I reviewed the requirements on the website, "45 continuing education hours and 4000 hours breastfeeding consultation" I knew from previous discussions with the LCs at work that I could count 2hours of each shift as breastfeeding hours. I'm not a great one at numbers. I knew 4000 was a lot, but I work alot darnit! I really got excited and thought I could work towards this in the next three years. I left a message for the lady and talked to her today.
It seems my employer wants to pay a bunch of us to go to a full week breastfeeding workshop. Fantastically expensive and almost all the CEUs I would ned to meet my continuing education hours.
Then we sat down and crunched the #s to see how long it would take me to get my hours. Working a .6 it would take me at least 5 more years to even get 2500 hours. My heart sank and I realized that this definitely would not happen in the next three years. If I have a bachelor's degree 2500 would be enough, though. So now I am actually entertaining the thought of going back to school to finish my bachelor's, so I can then work towards my IBCLC. I swore I wouldn't go back for my BSN before the kids were grown. But now that I've had this thought, I'm not sure I can unthink it.
Hmmmm Is it any wonder I can't sleep tonight?


  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Anne said…

    Katy, you'd be SO good at that. I think you should go for it! I mean, you were planning on working all that time anyway, right? You might as well be working toward something. In a few years you might be able to go back to school, and then you'd already have a bunch of hours!

  • At 12:17 AM, Blogger KatyM said…

    Thanks Anne. I've gotten some more info that makes me think it might be back within my reach w/o having to get my BSN but we'll see.
    If I get lactation counselor (not same as lactation consultant, it is a lower level) I could probably accumulate hours more quickly.
    But we'll see.


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