River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Friday, July 01, 2005


"Don't worry mom, I only spilled a tiny drop - but it's like a whole world to a microbe."
I am so embarrassed - and I don't mean a town in Minnesota." She has said this many times, there is a town in MN named Embarass and she finds that fascinating. The kid cracks me up.

"We just have this strange feeling - like something is going to happen." Said by Jossy and her cousin Malcolm, with very mystical, magical looks on their faces. I was very suspicious. Suspected anything that "happened" would be of their own doing, but it must have been under my radar

Well, were packing today for another camping trip. This one more local and with my cousin and her boyfriend and her son (who I also refer to as my cousin or nephew). Should be very fun if we aren't blown away by a storm or eaten alive by mosquitos.


  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger Anne said…

    Ya, this is what happens when your child is bright!


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