Cool Moments (Actually, many disjointed thoughts as I try to get everything down that I didn't blog about in the last week.) Headings added to make up for lack of coherent theme or graceful segues.
Working out: I am back to working out everyday at the Y. We are all healthy again (knock on wood) so I am making up for lost time and doing the elliptical almost everyday and body flow at least 2-3 times a week. Tonight I actually did 3 miles in 25 minutes, but I had to cut my time short so we would have plenty of time in the pool. So! I have totally broken the 9 minute mile! I did it yesterday too when I was actually going for 5 miles in 45 minutes and I was totally going to make it (which I consider a bigger acheivement because of the longer time) when K had a dirty diaper that I had to go change right at minute 33. Aaarrrgggh!
Zoo: Went to the zoo today. Saw 3 hawks on the way there. Huge thrill for J, Z and I. Really enjoyed the MN trail and spotting the hidden animals. We had an adventure on the Tropics trail, when we were all standing by the lemur area when 3 of them came right up to the edge of the cage, within arm's reach of us. The kids were in awe, almost freaked out to be so close to such large and animated animals when all of a sudden they started their super-loud hooting noise. Joss and my friends 6 yr old boy, Chester, were old enough to not act scared but you could tell it was intense. Zeff and Keian were pretty scared though neither cried. I thought it was great. Joss and Chester saw a bird walking loose in the exhibit and felt that my friend Lori and I were underreacting to their report of a loose animal and so told every zoo worker and volunteer about the "animal on the loose". They were all so sweet and promised to check into it, though I could tell they knew it was one of the birds that was allowed to roam the area.
We also smelled real jasmine blossoms. Funny, I never smelled it as anything other than bath salts or incense. The real thing is better.
Joss Math: J was doing a math sheet this AM where she was converting letters to numbers using a phone dial pad and had woven this whole fantasy about how they were a secret code and she was the detective and she had to get the bad guys. I over heard her say the following to her letters:
"Haha, you'll have plenty of time to relax behind bars letter N"
"Get in jail B, get in jail E. I'll have to think about you J, because you're in my name." I was ROFLMAO at the preferential treatment she was giving the letters in her name.
Halo: J and M and Z have added newspaper armor, swords, shields, daggers and scepters to their complicated afternoon imaginary game, Halo. They make these things out of newspapers and duct tape and kite string and they are quite elaborate. They often spend more time setting up the rules and making props for their game than actually playing it. Long complicated, good guy-bad guy games are some of my favorite memories from playing with my good buds as a kid and it takes me back to listen to them run and shout in the basement under my feet.
Cute Kids J and Z were sharing the computer chair playing a reading game this AM, when K begged to be in it with them. I tucked him in behind them and for a good 5 minutes all my kids were cuddling and content in one adult-sized chair together. I would have given anything for my camera but R took it to work.
Brag about my boy: Zeff's behavior is really getting wonderful. He handles disappointment so much better, he follows rules and he is overcoming his fears. He got a shot on Tuesday and didn't cry (my kids are awesome at shots) and today even let me cut his hair and wash it later without crying (much).
Brag about me: I am getting to be a darn good hair cutter if I do say so myself. At least, not too awful. He really resisted the clippers so I did my first "scissors only" 'do and it was okay but it was really tough to get the part around the ears right.
Lament about baby: Zeff and Joss are both so pleasant to be around these days that it just about makes up for Mr. Tantrum-pants! He is doing the same thing Zeff did of getting really frustrated and physical (hitting, biting, pinching) around 18 months. Then we thought it had to do with the frustration of not being able to talk and I think that's part of it, although Keian communicates better than his older sibs did at his age. I seem to remember from the boring What to Expect the blah blah blah books something about a separation anxiety thing going on at this age too, so who knows. Poor guy. Poor us! (PS The what to expect when you are expecting, etc. books are so snotty and boring. They remind me of the mean NP at my first OB's office.)
Dang, I have to get back to recording more of our day to day activities (though it's probably boring for others) because they have said and done so many awesome things lately. They are learning and growing so much, and I really think this unschooling thing is right for us (though you may notice I did provide and insist on the completion of a math sheet today.)