River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Went and saw "Knocked Up" tonight with my midwife (and friend). I thought that was a good movie choice at 39.1 weeks! Also got my birthing tub set up in my room this evening. Woohooo! C'mon any time now, baby! This was the most important day that I did not want the baby to come before. I would still really like to have my pre-baby pedicure and eyebrow wax on Saturday (39.4 weeks.) Seriously, after that though, anytime!


  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    I'm so excited that you will have a home birth at the Columbus house! what a perfect way to christen the new digs! where is the tub set up?

    oh, I have an new blog fyi.

  • At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Katy....It's your friends Cate, Laura, and Jill at Abbott. We were looking to see if you had the baby yet. Be sure to call us when he/she arrives!!! Just finished up some Hop Wong, but you miss this place! Hope everything goes well with your delivery. Keep in touch.

  • At 5:19 PM, Blogger Anne said…

    Well, we're both 30 now! I'd love to hear how your birth went. Seeing as how it's the beginning of August I think it's safe to assume he/she is here!


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