River's Edge Urban Academy

Homeschooling 4 kids ages 9, 6, 4 and baby while working as a postpartum nurse and lactation counselor.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

All right, I don't want to get sued by my employer so I won't go into details but I truly hate my job some days. No, I hate the things that get in the way of me doing my job which I actually love. Enough about the job - onto the homeschooling.
Actually the homeschooling wasn't great either. I woke up late and was appalled by how messy our house had gotten lately and spent the morning cleaning while the kids played very nicely in their playroom for almost an HOUR! I loved eavesdropping on them. Jossy definitely leads the imaginary play, but Zeff delights in it too. At one point they were both doctors "fixing" their stuffed animals by wrapping first aid tape around their broken parts for casts.
Once I got the house under control, we had very little time before I had to go to work so we skipped going to the library and instead did the other 1/2 of LA from yesterday. Then I made soup while the kids watched a Christmas Veggie Tales video.
Joss had choir and pioneer club at church tonight so I don't feel too bad about not doing as much school as we usually do. She learns quite a bit of music theory in choir and pioneer club also has a bible story and craft.
Well baby's sleeping and I should be too. Bye


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